Sunday, December 1, 2013

Moments of Life #1

Awkward/True Moments of Life:
  1. That amazing feeling when you hear a song you haven't heard in years and you still remember every word
  2. Holding back a smile or a laugh because you are supposed to be mad at someone
  3. That awkward moment when you are eating chips in a quiet room.
  4. Harry Potter fans: I want to go to Hogwarts. Narnia Fans: I want to go to Narnia. Hunger Games fans: Nope, I'm good.
  5. Staring at a text for 15 minutes, trying to figure out how to respond.
          Now I know that you are all wondering why I decided to make a post dedicated to the awkward/ true moments in life. My answer is that they happen all the time, and sometimes we don't even realize it until we read them in writing. So I decided to give a spotlight and round of applause to these great moments.
          These five moments could have even happened to you today. I know that these have happened to me on many occasions, well except for number four. I actually had never thought about it until I conducted my extensive search for moments of life. At one point in life one of these has happened, and don't even try to deny it.
          Life is something that we shouldn't take for granted, but we should make the most of it. One of the ways I do this is by laughing every day. If you are ever feeling down take out your Smartphone, computer, iPad, iPod, or iPad mini and look up funny jokes. You can even talk to your friends, which I'm pretty sure will come up with something dumb/ funny to do (Not saying that you should do something dumb, make wise decisions!). 
          I hope that this post has brightened up your day/night, and made you laugh or at least chuckle. Let me know if you have more awkward/true moments of life, and they will probably be in the future "Moments of Life!" Now go out or stay in, and have many great days in the future days to come!

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